Yesterday, my daughter Rebekah and my grandson Dean; my niece Emi and her children Mac and Eliza; my niece Tracy and her youngest Jack came to visit at my Step-mother's house. My sister and I have been here since our Dad died last Wednesday. The 4 great-grands, 2 grands, and 2 step-daughters brought a bit of joyful chaos into GrandPatty's house for a few hours. It was welcome... reminder of the perpetual life force of the family.

This morning, in a much quieter house, Ginny and Patty and I sat at the breakfast table discussing thoughts triggered by the upcoming meeting we would have with the pastor about what we want to be shared in the funeral for my Daddy. The focus will be on John 14, where we hear Jesus encouraging his disciples in the face of his coming death. "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God also in me.....I will not leave you as orphans. "

We have had a good day as we have drawn strength from the words of Christ and as we move forward knowing that though we grieve the absence of Daddy's physical presence, the reality of his eternal presence is wrapped up in the promise Christ. Evidence is in these children and in the comfort we have know this week. The Counselor has come and taught us truth. There is peace. And love lives on.
Ann, I'm so sorry to hear of your dad's homegoing. I know God is teaching you new lessons about His love. You're in our prayers.